With a simplicial complex X
there is associated a commutative differential graded algebra of polynomial
differential forms T(X) together with a filtration T∗,q(X) ⊂ T∗,q+1(X) in each degree
∗. T∗,q(X) is a differential graded module over the subring of the rationals Z[,…,].
The deRham theorem for such a complex T(X) is proved. We have demonstrated
elsewhere that the refined deRham complex T(X) makes it possible to substantially
refine most of the results of the rational homotopy theory. In particular we
defined the homotopy category of C-N spaces which is equivalent to an
algebraic homotopy category of (N − 1) connected free commutative differential
graded algebras over the integers, satisfying a simple algebraic condition on