Vol. 112, No. 1, 1984

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Inequalities for eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator

Gerald Norman Hile and R. Z. Yeh

Vol. 112 (1984), No. 1, 115–133

Let D be a bounded domain in Rm with smooth boundary. The first n + 1 eigenvalues for the problem

Δ2u − μu = 0 in D,  u = ∂u-= 0 on ∂D

satisfy the inequality

∑n    √ μ-       2 3∕2  ∑n
-----i---≥ -m-n----(   μi)−1∕2
i=1 μn+1 − μi  8(m + 2) i=1

For the first two eigenvalues we have the stronger bound

μ2 7.103μ1 (in R2),
μ2 4.792μ1 (in R3).

The first two eigenvalues for the problem

Δ2u+ νΔu  = 0 in D, u = ∂u-= 0 on ∂D

satisfy the inequality

ν2 2.5 ν1 (in R2),
ν2 2.12ν1 (in R3).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 35P15
Received: 13 April 1982
Published: 1 May 1984
Gerald Norman Hile
R. Z. Yeh