Vol. 112, No. 2, 1984

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Holomorphic reproducing kernels in Reinhardt domains

Harold Philip Boas

Vol. 112 (1984), No. 2, 273–292

The orthogonal projection P0 : L2(Ω) L2(Ω)  {holomorphic functions} (the Bergman projection) is studied, together with its analogue Ps : Ws(Ω) Ws(Ω)   {holomorphic functions}, for smooth bounded pseudoconvex complete Reinhardt domains Ω Cn. It is shown that Ps maps the Sobolev space Wr(Ω) boundedly into itself for each r s. Explicit formulas are computed for the representing kernel functions for the case of the ball.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32H10
Secondary: 46E20
Received: 9 March 1982
Revised: 20 December 1982
Published: 1 June 1984
Harold Philip Boas