Vol. 112, No. 2, 1984

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Minimal polynomials for circular numbers

Stanley Joseph Gurak

Vol. 112 (1984), No. 2, 313–331

In a recent paper I gave polynomial expressions to compute the beginning coefficients of the minimal polynomials for the Gauss periods and cyclotomic units lying in the cyclotomic field Q(ξm), where ξm is a fixed m-root of unity for a prime m. Here I extend these results for circular numbers lying in Q(ξm) for m composite. My methods explain the linear recursion relations found among the beginning coefficients of the minimal polynomials for certain such circular numbers.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11T21, 11T21
Secondary: 11L03
Received: 16 February 1982
Revised: 28 October 1982
Published: 1 June 1984
Stanley Joseph Gurak