Vol. 112, No. 2, 1984

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The existence of totally dense subgroups in LCA groups

Mohammad Ahmad Khan

Vol. 112 (1984), No. 2, 383–390

A proper subgroup H of an LCA group G is totally dense (briefly, t.d.) in G if H K is dense in K for every closed subgroup K of G. Let B(G) and t(G) denote, respectively, the subgroup of compact elements of G and the maximal torsion subgroup of G. We say that G is an admissible group if G = B(G)t(G). An element g G is called a metric element of G if g, the closure of the cyclic subgroup generated by G, is metrizable. The following are the main results of this paper. (1) Let G be an admissible LCA group such that G0, the component of the identity in G, is nonmetrizable. Then m(G), the set of all metric elements of G, is a t.d. subgroup of G. (2) An LCA group G contains a t.d. subgroup if and only if G is an admissible group. (3) A characterization of those LCA groups is given for which the maximal torsion subgroups are t.d. in the groups.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22B05
Received: 4 August 1982
Published: 1 June 1984
Mohammad Ahmad Khan