Vol. 113, No. 2, 1984

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Continuity of spectral functions and the lakes of Wada

Domingo Antonio Herrero

Vol. 113 (1984), No. 2, 365–371

The functions σ, mapping a Hilbert space operator T into its spectrum σ(T), or σe (defined by σe(T) = essential spectrum of T), or ρsh F(T) mapping T into the set of complex numbers λ such that λ T is semi-Fredholm of index h, etc, have a very erratic behavior. They are continuous on a dense set of operators and discontinuous on another dense set of operators. It is not completely apparent, however, that all of them are simultaneously continuous on a certain dense subset and simultaneously discontinuous on another dense subset.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47A10
Received: 31 August 1982
Revised: 5 January 1983
Published: 1 August 1984
Domingo Antonio Herrero