Vol. 114, No. 1, 1984

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Krull dimension of skew-Laurent extensions

Kenneth R. Goodearl and T. H. Lenagan

Vol. 114 (1984), No. 1, 109–147

A precise formula is derived for the (noncommutative) Krull dimension of a skew-Laurent extension R[𝜃1±1,,𝜃u±1], where R is a commutative noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension, equipped with u commuting automorphisms σ1,u. The formula is given in terms of heights and automorphian dimensions of prime ideals of R, where the automorphian dimension of a prime ideal P is a positive integer that measures the invariance of P relative to products of powers of the σi. As part of the development of this formula, the Krull dimension of a skew-Laurent extension R[𝜃1±1] over a right noetherian ring R of finite right Krull dimension is determined. Also, some partial results are obtained for an iterated skew-Laurent extension R[𝜃1±1,,𝜃u±1] over a right noetherian ring R of finite right Krull dimension. In particular, a criterion is derived that indicates when such an iterated skew-Laurent extension can achieve the maximum possible Krull dimension.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 16A05, 16A05
Secondary: 16A55
Received: 24 September 1982
Published: 1 September 1984
Kenneth R. Goodearl
University of California, Santa Barbara
United States
T. H. Lenagan