Vol. 114, No. 1, 1984

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A solution to a problem of E. Michael

Teodor C. Przymusiński

Vol. 114 (1984), No. 1, 235–242

A product space X × Y is rectangularly normal if every continuous real-valued function defined on a closed rectangle A × B in X × Y can be continuously extended onto X × Y . It is known that products of normal spaces with locally compact metric spaces are rectangularly normal. In this paper we prove the converse of this theorem by showing there exists a normal space X such that its product X ×M with a metric space M is rectangularly normal if and only if M is locally compact, thus answering positively a question raised by E. Michael.

Other related results are obtained; in particular, we show there exists a normal space X and a countable metric space M with one non-isolated point such that the product space X × M is not rectangular (in the sense of Pasynkov).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54D15
Secondary: 54B10
Received: 6 December 1982
Revised: 16 March 1983
Published: 1 September 1984
Teodor C. Przymusiński