Let h∗ be a homology
theory on an admissible category of C∗-algebras. We define a homology theory
h∗(−;Z∕n) which fits into a Bockstein exact sequence
Let p be a prime. If p is odd or if h∗ is “good” then h∗(A;Z∕p) is a Z∕p-module and
(with finiteness assumptions on the torsion of h∗(A)) there is a Bockstein spectral
sequence with E∗1= h∗(A;Z∕p) which converges to (h∗(A)∕(torsion)) ⊗ Z∕p. In the
special case of K-theory, we show that K∗(A ⊗ N)≅K∗(A;Z∕n), provided that
K0(N) = Z∕n, K1(N) = 0, and N is in a certain (large) category N of separable
nuclear C∗-algebras.