Vol. 114, No. 2, 1984

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Topological methods for Cāˆ—-algebras. IV. mod p homology

Claude Schochet

Vol. 114 (1984), No. 2, 447ā€“468

Let h be a homology theory on an admissible category of C-algebras. We define a homology theory h(;Z∕n) which fits into a Bockstein exact sequence

→  hj(A ) n→ hj(A) ρ→nhj(A;Z∕n ) β→nhj−1(A) → ....

Let p be a prime. If p is odd or if h is “good” then h(A;Z∕p) is a Z∕p-module and (with finiteness assumptions on the torsion of h(A)) there is a Bockstein spectral sequence with E1 = h(A;Z∕p) which converges to (h(A)(torsion)) Z∕p. In the special case of K-theory, we show that K(A N)K(A;Z∕n), provided that K0(N) = Z∕n, K1(N) = 0, and N is in a certain (large) category N of separable nuclear C-algebras.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L80
Secondary: 19K33, 46M20, 55N99
Received: 3 September 1982
Published: 1 October 1984
Claude Schochet