Vol. 114, No. 2, 1984

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Characterization of homogeneous spaces and their norms

Josephine Anne Ward

Vol. 114 (1984), No. 2, 481–495

Let G denote a compact group and B a homogeneous Banach space of pseudomeasures over G (B is left translation invariant with continuous shifts). If T(G) is the linear space of trigonometric polynomials defined on G then T(G) B is a dense subspace of B. An explicit description is given of T(G) B. A complete list of the homogeneous closed subspaces of B is given. Moreover it is shown that B is determined by the set T(G) B and N, the restriction of the B norm to this set. This leads to a complete description of those subsets of T(G) and norms N which determine homogeneous Banach spaces.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A15
Secondary: 46E99
Received: 24 September 1982
Published: 1 October 1984
Josephine Anne Ward