Vol. 115, No. 1, 1984

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A construction of inner maps preserving the Haar measure on spheres

Boguslaw Tomaszewski

Vol. 115 (1984), No. 1, 203–215

We show, for n m, the existence of non-trivial inner maps f : Bn Bm with boundary values f : Sn Sm such that f1(A) has a positive Haar measure for every Borel subset A of Sm which has a positive Haar measure. Moreover, if n = m, the equality σ(f1(A)) = σ(A) holds, where σ is the Haar measure of Sm.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32A35
Secondary: 32A40
Received: 11 February 1983
Published: 1 November 1984
Boguslaw Tomaszewski