Vol. 115, No. 2, 1984

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Gysin homomorphism and Schubert calculus

Ersan Akyildiz

Vol. 115 (1984), No. 2, 257–266

Let G be a connected reductive linear algebraic group over the field of complex numbers, and B a fixed Borel subgroup of G. The study of the homological properties of G∕B can be carried out by two well-known methods. The first of these methods is due to A. Borel and involves the identification of the cohomology ring of G∕B with the quotient ring of the ring of polynomials on the Lie algebra h of the Cartan subgroup H G by the ideal generated by the W-invariant polynomials (where W is the Weyl group of G). The second method is classical, and based on the calculation of the homology with the aid of the partition of G∕B into cells, the so-called Schubert cells. The correspondence between these approaches has been studied in the paper by Bernstein, Gel’fand and Gel’fand, where in the quotient ring of the polynomial ring figuring in Borel’s model of the cohomology, the authors have found a symmetrical basis dual to the Schubert cells. Moreover, they have given a formula (Intersection formula) which expresses the intersection of any Schubert cell with a cell of codimension one. In the same paper, the authors have also generalized these results, except the intersection formula, to the case when B is replaced by an arbitrary parabolic subgroup P G.

On the other hand, for any parabolic subgroup P G containing B, the cohomology Gysin homomorphism of π : G∕B G∕P has been studied by Akyildiz and Carrell, where an explicit formula has been obtained between the rings figuring in Borel’s model of the cohomologies. This formula also enables one to obtain some of the results mentioned above for G∕P from the corresponding results on G∕B. In this note, we consider the case where G = GL(n + 1) and G∕P is the Grassmann manifold. By using the explicit description of the Gysin homomorphism and the intersection formula given in the cohomology ring of G∕B we obtain three main theorems of the symbolic formalism, known as Schubert Calculus, concerning the cohomology ring structure of the Grassmann manifold. Although there are several different approaches for proving these theorems (see Kleiman and Laksov), it seems that none of them uses the cohomology ring structure of GL(n + 1)∕B, where B is the group of upper triangular matrices in GL(n + 1). We thus hope that this alternative point of view may be used to understand the generalized Schubert Calculus.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14M15
Secondary: 14F25, 20J05
Received: 18 April 1983
Published: 1 December 1984
Ersan Akyildiz