Vol. 116, No. 1, 1985

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Decompositions of algebraically compact modules

Alberto Facchini

Vol. 116 (1985), No. 1, 25–37

This paper is mainly concerned with describing the category of all algebraically compact ( = pure-injective) modules. A family of functors from this category to categories of injective modules, that is, spectral categories, is defined. Via these functors we transfer the decompositions of the objects of a spectral category and their invariants to algebraically compact modules. For instance, as a corollary we find the decompositions and the invariants for algebraically compact abelian groups and the decompositions for algebraically compact modules over Prüfer rings. Our results yield a connection between the theory of algebraically compact modules and the one of injective modules.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 16A52, 16A52
Secondary: 18B99, 16A48
Received: 3 March 1983
Revised: 14 December 1983
Published: 1 January 1985
Alberto Facchini