Vol. 116, No. 1, 1985

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Finite group action and equivariant bordism

S. S. Khare

Vol. 116 (1985), No. 1, 39–44

Conner and Floyd proved that if Z2k acts on a closed manifold M differentiably and without any fixed point, then M is a boundary. Stong gave a stronger result proving that if (M,𝜃) is a closed Z2k-differential manifold with no stationary point, then (M,𝜃) is a Z2k-boundary. In the present note, we discuss this problem for a finite group in detail. Let G be a finite group. By the 2-central component G2(C) of G, we will mean the subgroup of G consisting of the identity element and all the elements of order 2 in the center of G. We prove in this note that the fixed data of the 2-central component G2(C) of G determines G-bordism.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57R85
Received: 17 June 1983
Revised: 29 July 1983
Published: 1 January 1985
S. S. Khare