Let G be an Abelian group with
|G| = α ≥ ω, 𝒮(G) the set of subgroups of G, ℬ the set of totally bounded
topological group topologies on G, ℳ(γ) the set of topological group topologies 𝒯
for which the character (= local weight) of ⟨G,𝒯⟩ is equal to γ ≥ ω, and
ℬ(γ) = ℬ∩ℳ(γ). We prove algebraic results and topological results, as
Algebra. Either |𝒮(G)| = 2α or |𝒮(G)| = α. If |𝒮(G)| = α then α = ω. We describe
and characterize those (countable) G such that |𝒮(G)| = ω, and we give several
Topology. If γ < log(α) or γ > 2α, then ℬ(γ) = ∅; otherwise |ℬ(γ)| = 2α⋅γ. If
γ > 2α then ℳ(γ) = ∅; if log(α) < γ ≤ 2α then |ℳ(γ)| = 2αγ; and if ω ≤ γ ≤ α then
|ℳ(γ)| = 2α.