Let V be a real orthogonal
countable-dimensional representation of the Lie group G and denote by ΩVΣVX
the space of maps SV→ ΣVX = X ∧ SV, where SV denotes the one-point
compactification of V and where X is an arbitrary G-space with stationary basepoint
(if V is infinite-dimensional, ΩVΣVX is taken as the natural colimit over spaces
indexed on the finite-dimensional submodules of V ). Since G acts on ΩVΣVX by
conjugation, the fixed-set (ΩVΣVX)G is the subspace of G-equivariant maps. We
present here an approximation to (ΩVΣVX)G in the stable case (V large). This
approximation will take the form of a space of “configurations” of G-orbits in
V .