Vol. 117, No. 2, 1985

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Generalized complete mappings, neofields, sequenceable groups and block designs. II

Derbiau Frank Hsu and A. Donald Keedwell

Vol. 117 (1985), No. 2, 291–312

In part I we introduced the concepts of generalized complete mapping and generalized near complete mapping of a group and used them to characterize left neofields. In §5 of this second part we describe how (K,λ) complete mappings and near complete mappings may be used to provide new constructions of block designs of Mendelsohn type; and in §6 we describe various methods of obtaining generalized complete mappings.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 05B05
Secondary: 05B30, 20D60
Received: 11 February 1983
Revised: 2 November 1983
Published: 1 April 1985
Derbiau Frank Hsu
A. Donald Keedwell