Vol. 117, No. 2, 1985

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Regularized distance and its applications

Gary M. Lieberman

Vol. 117 (1985), No. 2, 329–352

One of the most powerful tools in studying second order elliptic and parabolic differential equations is the barrier method, i.e. using the comparison principle with a suitable comparison or barrier function to infer some feature of the boundary behavior of a solution to such an equation. For sufficiently smooth domains Ω (e.g. Ω C2), barrier functions can be constructed rather easily in terms of the distance function d(x) = dist(x,∂Ω) because d is a C2 function near Ω; for less smooth domains it need not be even C1 (although it is Lipschitz continuous.) These less smooth domains are of interest and several authors have constructed barriers for certain such domains. We consider here a general method for constructing these barriers by introducing a regularized distance, described below.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 35J15
Secondary: 35B05, 35K10
Received: 10 March 1983
Published: 1 April 1985
Gary M. Lieberman