Vol. 117, No. 2, 1985

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Elimination of Malitz quantifiers in stable theories

Andreas Rapp

Vol. 117 (1985), No. 2, 387–396

The main result of this paper is (a slightly stronger form of) the following theorem: let T be a countable complete first-order theory which is stable. If, for some α 1, the Malitz quantifier Qα2 is eliminable in T then all Malitz quantifiers Qβm (β 0,m 1) are eliminable in T. This complements results of Baldwin-Kueker [1] and Rothmaler-Tuschik [3].

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 03C80
Secondary: 03C10, 03C45
Received: 22 October 1982
Published: 1 April 1985
Andreas Rapp