Vol. 117, No. 2, 1985

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A unified approach to Carleson measures and Ap weights

Francisco José Ruiz

Vol. 117 (1985), No. 2, 397–404

In the present note, for each p (1 < p < ), we find a condition on the pair (μω) (where μ is a measure on R+n+1 and ω a weight) for the Poisson integral to be a bounded operator from Lp(Rn;ω(x)dx) into weak-Lp(R+n+1).

Our Theorem I includes, on the one hand, the results of Carleson [1] and Fefferman-Stein [2] concerning the boundedness of the Poisson integral and, on the other hand, Muckenhoupt’s results concerning Ap-weights.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 42B25
Secondary: 47G05
Received: 28 June 1983
Revised: 21 September 1983
Published: 1 April 1985
Francisco José Ruiz