Vol. 118, No. 1, 1985

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On hereditarily odd-even isols and a comparability of summands property

Joseph Barback

Vol. 118 (1985), No. 1, 27–35

Our paper contains three theorems on regressive isols that are hereditarily odd-even. Two are characterizations of hereditarily odd-even isols in terms of a parity property of the isol and a property on the comparability of summands of the isol. In the third theorem, we show that if a regressive isol has a special comparability of summands property, then it has a predecessor that is hereditarily odd-even.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 03D50
Received: 21 October 1983
Revised: 21 February 1984
Published: 1 May 1985
Joseph Barback