Vol. 118, No. 1, 1985

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Norm-attainment of linear functionals on subspaces and characterizations of Tauberian operators

Richard Dean Neidinger and Haskell Paul Rosenthal

Vol. 118 (1985), No. 1, 215–228

It is proved that for every non-zero continuous linear functional f on a non-reflexive Banach space X, there is a closed linear subspace Y so that fY does not attain its norm. In fact, Y may be chosen with fY arbitrarily close to f. It is also shown that every continuous linear functional on an infinite-dimensional normed linear space fails to attain its norm on some linear subspace. The class of non-zero Banach space operators which map closed bounded convex sets to closed sets is identified as the class of Tauberian operators. (A bounded linear operator T : X Y is defined to be Tauberian provided T∗∗x∗∗Y implies x∗∗ X.) Other closed image characterizations are obtained. In particular, using the very first result stated above, a non-zero operator is found to be Tauberian if and only if the image of the ball of any closed subspace is closed. The new characterizations show that the “hereditary versions” of semi-embeddings and Fσ-embeddings are precisely the one-to-one Tauberian operators.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46B20
Secondary: 46B10, 47A05
Received: 1 November 1983
Published: 1 May 1985
Richard Dean Neidinger
Haskell Paul Rosenthal