Vol. 118, No. 2, 1985

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Moments of additive functions and the sequence of shifted primes

Krishnaswami Alladi

Vol. 118 (1985), No. 2, 261–275

Recently, by means of a new method involving the combinatorial sieve and the bilateral Laplace transform, we estimated asymptotically the moments of additive functions f(n) for integers n belonging to certain sets S. From such estimates the limiting distribution function of these f(n), for n S, can be determined. Here the method is applied to the special sequence Sc = {p + c}, where p runs through all the primes and c is an arbitrary fixed integer. Various distribution properties of the sequence Sc, such as those given by the Brun-Titchmarch inequality and Bombieri’s theorem, are used. Previously Barban had established distribution results for certain f(n) when n Sc, but it was not known (until now) under what conditions the moments could be asymptotically estimated as well.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11K65
Secondary: 11N60
Received: 15 June 1984
Published: 1 June 1985
Krishnaswami Alladi