Vol. 118, No. 2, 1985

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Relations between the maximum modulus and maximum term of entire functions

Paul T. Lockhart and Ernst Gabor Straus

Vol. 118 (1985), No. 2, 479–485

Relations between the maximum modulus M(R) and the maximum term μ(R) of an entire function are investigated. There are no upper bounds for M(R) in terms of functions of R and μ(R) which are valid for all R. There are such bounds as functions of R, 𝜖, μ(R) and μ(R + 𝜖) for all 𝜖 > 0.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30D10
Secondary: 30D15
Received: 25 September 1984
Published: 1 June 1985
Paul T. Lockhart
Ernst Gabor Straus