Vol. 119, No. 1, 1985

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Concerning hyperspaces of certain Peano continua and strong regularity of Whitney maps

Hisao Kato

Vol. 119 (1985), No. 1, 159–167

Let X be a Peano continuum and let H = 2X (resp., C(X)) be the space of all nonempty closed subsets (resp., subcontinua) of X with Hausdorff metric. If H = C(x), assume that X contains no free arc. Then the following are shown.

  1. If ω is an admissible Whitney map for H, then
    ω|ω−1((0,ω(X ))) : ω−1((0,ω (X ))) → (0,ω(X))

    is a trivial bundle map with Hilbert cube fibers.

  2. If X is the Hilbert cube Q, then there is a strongly admissible Whitney map ω for H such that ω|ω1([0(X))) [0(X)) is a trivial bundle map with Hilbert cube fibers.
  3. If X is the n-sphere Sn (n = 1,2,,), then there is a Whitney map ω for 2X such that for some t0 (0(X)), ω|ω1((0,t0]) : ω1((0,t0]) (0,t0] is a trivial bundle map with X × Q fibers. If X is the n-sphere Sn (n = 2,3,,), there is a Whitney map ω for C(X) such that for some t0 (0(X)), ω|ω1((0,t0]) is a trivial bundle map with X × Q fibers.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54B20
Secondary: 55R10, 54F25
Received: 29 April 1983
Revised: 17 January 1984
Published: 1 September 1985
Hisao Kato