Vol. 119, No. 1, 1985

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Lattices of completely regular semigroup varieties

Francis Pastijn and Peter George Trotter

Vol. 119 (1985), No. 1, 191–214

Let ρ be a fully invariant congruence on the free completely regular semigroup FXCR of countably infinite rank. Let ρmin and ρmin be the least congruences on FXCR with respectively the same trace and the same kernel as ρ. Let ρmax and ρmax be the greatest congruences on FXCR with respectively the same trace and the same kernel as ρ. These congruences are shown to be fully invariant. We construct a network of varieties corresponding to the congruences maxmax,ρ,ρminmin,(ρmin)min,(ρmin)min, and their intersections. Intervals between successive joins of the network, in the lattice of subvarieties of completely regular semigroups, are characterised as direct products of particular subintervals. By comparing the network with the chain of varieties that are each generated by a free completely regular semigroup of finite rank we get information on the network and the chain.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20M07
Secondary: 08B15
Received: 29 December 1983
Published: 1 September 1985
Francis Pastijn
Peter George Trotter