Vol. 119, No. 1, 1985

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Generic covering properties for spaces of analytic functions

David A. Stegenga and Kenneth R. Stephenson

Vol. 119 (1985), No. 1, 227–243

By a classical result of Fatou, a bounded analytic function on the unit disc D, i.e. in the space H(D), has a radial limit at almost every point on ∂D. We examine the question of whether this limiting or boundary value lies in the interior or on the boundary of the image domain. We show that the first case is “typical” in the sense that every function in a certain dense Gδ-set of H has this property at a.e. boundary point. Several other spaces including the disc algebra and the Dirichlet space are also studied.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30D40
Secondary: 30H05
Received: 23 November 1983
Revised: 7 February 1984
Published: 1 September 1985
David A. Stegenga
Kenneth R. Stephenson