Vol. 119, No. 2, 1985

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Cardinality constraints for pseudocompact and for totally dense subgroups of compact topological groups

W. Wistar (William) Comfort and Lewis Chandlee Robertson

Vol. 119 (1985), No. 2, 265–285

Let K be a compact, Hausdorff topological group, 𝒢(K) the set of dense, pseudocompact subgroups of K, and m(K) = min{|G| : G ∈𝒢(K)}. We show: (1) m(K) is a function of the weight of K (in the sense that if Kis another such group with w(K) = w(K), then m(K) = m(K)); and (2) if K is connected then every totally dense subgroup D of K satisfies |D| = |K|. With these results in hand we classify (a) those cardinals α such that m(K) < |K| when w(K) = α and (b) those cardinals α such that some compact K with w(K) = α admits a totally dense subgroup D with |D| < |K|. The conditions of (a) and (b) are incompatible in some models of ZFC (e.g., under GCH) and are compatible in others. Thus the following question, the origin of this work, is undecidable in ZFC: Is there a compact, Hausdorff, topological group K with a totally dense, pseudocompact subgroup G such that |G| < |K|?

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22A05
Secondary: 54H99
Received: 26 October 1983
Revised: 29 January 1984
Published: 1 October 1985
W. Wistar (William) Comfort
Lewis Chandlee Robertson