Our main objective is to
prove the existence of infinitely many pairs (u1,u2) of positive solutions of quasilinear
elliptic differential equations
throughout exterior domains Ωα ⊂ RN, N ≥ 2, of the type
where x = (x1,…,xN), ∇u = (∂u∕∂x1,…,∂u∕∂xN), and Δ = ∇⋅∇. Each pair has the
property that u1(x)∕u2(x) has uniform limit zero in Ωα as |x|→∞. In particular, if
q(t) ≡ 0 and N ≥ 3, u1(x) has limit 0 as |x|→∞, and u2(x) is bounded above and
below by positive constants in Ωα.