Vol. 121, No. 1, 1986

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Metrically invariant measures on locally homogeneous spaces and hyperspaces

Christoph Bandt and Gebreselassie Baraki

Vol. 121 (1986), No. 1, 13–28

We compare different invariance concepts for a Borel measure μ on a metric space, μ is called open-invariant if open isometric sets have equal measure, metrically invariant if isometric Borel sets have equal measure, and strongly invariant if any non-expansive image of A has measuure μ(A). On common hyperspaces of compact and compact convex sets there are no metrically invariant measures. A locally compact metric space is called locally homogeneous if any two points have isometric neighbourhoods, the isometry transforming one point into the other. On such a space there is a unique open-invariant measure, and this measure is even strongly invariant.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 28C10
Received: 17 June 1983
Revised: 8 October 1984
Published: 1 January 1986
Christoph Bandt
Gebreselassie Baraki