Vol. 122, No. 1, 1986

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Discs in compression bodies

Darren Long

Vol. 122 (1986), No. 1, 129–146

It has been shown in a paper by Casson and the author that there is an algorithm to determine if an automorphism of a closed, orientable surface ‘compresses’. A motivation for finding such a decision procedure is to apply it to fibred knots to determine if they are ‘homotopically ribbon’. This makes it important that the process is as efficient as possible. One of the aims of this paper will be to exhibit improvements in this algorithm.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57N05
Received: 20 August 1984
Revised: 12 February 1985
Published: 1 March 1986
Darren Long
Department of Mathematics
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara CA 93106
United States