Vol. 122, No. 2, 1986

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Isomorphisms modulo the compact operators of nest algebras

Constantin Gelu Apostol and Frank Larkin Gilfeather

Vol. 122 (1986), No. 2, 263–286

Let 𝒜 and be nest algebras of operators on a Hilbert space with finite-rank nest projections 𝒩𝒜 = {P(n)} and 𝒩 = {Q(n)}, n N, respectively. Let Pn = P(n+1) P(n) and Qn = Q(n+1) Q(n) be the block diagonal projections for the two nests, 𝒜 and are thus the upper triangular matrices with respect to the decompositions determined by {Pn}nN and {Qn}nN respectively. It is easy to see that 𝒜 is isomorphic to if and only if rank Pn = rank Qn for all n. J. Plastiras has shown that the quasitriangular algebra 𝒜 + K(H), that is 𝒜 plus the compact operators, is isomorphic to + K(H) if and only if there exist integers n0 and m0 so that rank P(n0+n) = rank Q(m0+n) for all n. Using different techniques this paper shows that the image of 𝒜 in the Calkin algebra 𝒜 is isomorphic to if and only if there exist integers n0 and m0 so that rank Pn0+n = rank Qm0+n for all n.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47D25, 47D25
Secondary: 46L99, 47A99
Received: 28 January 1985
Published: 1 April 1986
Constantin Gelu Apostol
Frank Larkin Gilfeather