Let Λ be the crossed
product order (OL∕OK,G,ρ) where L∕K is a finite Galois extension of local
fields with Galois group G, and ρ is a factor set with values in OL∗. Let
Λ0 = Λ, and let Λi+1 be the left order Ol(rad Λi) of rad Λi. The chain of
orders Λ0,Λ1,…,Λs ends with a hereditary order Λs. We prove that Λs is
the unique minimal hereditary order in A = KΛ containing Λ, that Λs has
e∕m simple modules, each of dimension f over the residue class field K
of OK, and that s = d − (e − 1). Here d, e, f are the different exponent,
ramification index, and inertial degree of L∕K, and m is the Schur index of