Vol. 123, No. 1, 1986

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Weak-closed complemented invariant subspaces of L(G) and amenable locally compact groups

Anthony To-Ming Lau and Viktor Losert

Vol. 123 (1986), No. 1, 149–159

One of the main results of this paper implies that a locally compact group G is amenable if and only if whenever X is a weak-closed left translation invariant complemented subspace of L(G), X is the range of a projection on L(G) commuting with left translations. We also prove that if G is a locally compact group and M is an invariant W-subalgebra of the von Neumann algebra VN(G) generated by the left translation operators lg, g G, on L2(G), and Σ(M) = {g G;lg M} is a normal subgroup of G, then M is the range of a projection on VN(G) commuting with the action of the Fourier algebra A(G) on VN(G).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A07
Secondary: 22D25
Received: 10 January 1985
Published: 1 May 1986
Anthony To-Ming Lau
Viktor Losert