Vol. 123, No. 1, 1986

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Sums and products of Br spaces

Dominikus Noll

Vol. 123 (1986), No. 1, 173–188

In reminiscence of Ptak’s open mapping theorem, a topological space satisfying the open mapping theorem is called a Br space. This paper is devoted to the study of sums and products of Br spaces in the category of topological spaces. We prove that, in general, sums and products of even two Br spaces need no longer be Br. On the other hand, for any Br space E the sum E E is again a Br space. Moreover, since Čech complete spaces are known to be Br, we ask whether a sum E F is Br provided that E is Čech complete and F is Br. It turns out that, at least in the framework of complete regularity, the answer to this question is in the positive if and only if F is a Baire space.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54C10
Secondary: 54C50, 54H15
Received: 1 December 1984
Published: 1 May 1986
Dominikus Noll