Let (G,K) be an irreducible
hermitian symmetric pair of non-compact type. The authors study the spaces of
covariant differential intertwining operators between the continuations of
holomorphic discrete series for this pair. In particular, when G = SU(p,q), Sp(n,R),
or SO∗(2n), an algorithm is provided to reduce the problem for regular
integral infinitesimal character to that for semiregular representations. In case
G = SU(p,q), this latter problem is solved using an equivalence of categories due to
Enright-Shelton (providing a reduction to the regular case for a lower rank
In addition, an explicit description of the non-zero spaces of intertwining operators is
given for the two exceptional cases, E6 and E7. The remaining case, G = SO(2,n),
has been treated previously. All results are obtained in the (dual) setting of
homomorphisms between generalized Verma modules.