Vol. 124, No. 1, 1986

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An evaluation of the conditional Yeh-Wiener integral

Kun Soo Chang, Jae Moon Ahn and Joo Sup Chang

Vol. 124 (1986), No. 1, 107–117

Yeh obtained the conditional Wiener integral of

{     t        }
exp  −  0 V [x (u)]du

given x(t) where x is in Wiener space C[0,t] and V is a function on R1 satisfying certain conditions. In this paper we extend Yeh’s result to the conditional Yeh-Wiener integral of exp{− 0t 0sV [x(u,v)]dudv} given x(s,t) where x is in Yeh-Wiener space C2(Q) and V is a nonnegative continuous function on R1 satisfying the condition

V (w )⋅exp{ − w22st} dmL(w ) < ∞.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 60J65
Secondary: 60G15, 60G60
Received: 19 March 1985
Revised: 5 July 1985
Published: 1 September 1986
Kun Soo Chang
Jae Moon Ahn
Joo Sup Chang