Vol. 124, No. 1, 1986

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Alternative algebras having scalar involutions

Ray Alden Kunze and Stephen Scheinberg

Vol. 124 (1986), No. 1, 159–172

An involution of an algebra over a field of characteristic different from two is called scalar if the sum of each element and its involute is a scalar (multiple of the unit). Certain algebras having scalar involutions have played an important role in the construction of metaplectic representations and the applications of that theory to problems in number theory and automorphic forms. They also arise in an analytic context related to homomorphic discrete series and in questions about invariants of classical groups. This paper deals with determining the structure of the most general algebras having scalar involutions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 17D05
Received: 22 May 1979
Revised: 26 June 1982
Published: 1 September 1986
Ray Alden Kunze
Stephen Scheinberg