Vol. 124, No. 2, 1986

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Nonshrinkable “cell-like” decompositions of s

Philip Lee Bowers

Vol. 124 (1986), No. 2, 257–273

Fine homotopy equivalences from s onto complete separable AR’s are constructed that are analogs of certain cell-like maps defined on Euclidean space. In particular, (i) there is a fine homotopy equivalence f from s onto a complete separable AR X such that the collection of nondegenerate values Nf of f is a singleton whose pre-image under f is a 1-dimensional AR widely embedded in s, and (ii) there is a fine homotopy equivalence g from s onto a complete separable AR Y such that Ng is a Cantor set and every nondegenerate fiber of g is a tame Z-set in s. Neither X nor Y is homeomorphic to s but both become homeomorphic to s upon multiplication by a certain complete 1-dimensional AR.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57N20
Secondary: 54B10, 54B15
Received: 2 March 1985
Revised: 1 September 1985
Published: 1 October 1986
Philip Lee Bowers