Vol. 124, No. 2, 1986

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Increasing paths on the one-skeleton of a convex compact set in a normed space

Leoni Dalla

Vol. 124 (1986), No. 2, 289–294

Let C be a convex compact set in a normed space E and let skel1C be the subset of C that contains those boundary points of C which are not centres of 2-dimensional balls in C. When l is a continuous functional on E, we say that the path P = g([α,β]) is l-strictly increasing if l(g(t1)) < l(g(t2)) for every t1, t2 such that α t1 < t2 β. D. G. Larman proved the existence of an l-strictly increasing path on the one skeleton of C with l(g(α)) = minxCl(x) and l(g(β)) = maxxCl(x).

In this paper we prove a theorem concerning the number of l-strictly increasing paths on the one-skeleton of C, that are mutually disjoint and along each of which l assumes values in a range arbitrarily close to its range on C.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46A55
Secondary: 46B20
Received: 19 March 1985
Published: 1 October 1986
Leoni Dalla