Vol. 125, No. 1, 1986

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On the singular K-3 surfaces with hypersurface singularities

Mikio Furushima

Vol. 125 (1986), No. 1, 67–77

Let A be a singular K-3 surface with hypersurface singularities. If A has singularities other than rational singularities, then the minimal resolution of A is a ruled surface over a non-singular algebraic curve of genus q (0 q 3), and further, under the additional conditions q0 and dimH2(A;R) = 1, the global structure of M can be determined.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14J28
Secondary: 14J17
Received: 5 April 1985
Revised: 6 November 1985
Published: 1 November 1986
Mikio Furushima