Vol. 125, No. 1, 1986

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A description of HSP-like classes, and applications

Anthony Wood Hager

Vol. 125 (1986), No. 1, 93–102

First, in a concrete category, an HS’P-cIass (of objects) is one closed under P: products, S’: some kind of subobjects, H: surjective images. Next, given a class E of morphisms, the object class of “injectives for E” is defined: A inj E means e E, φ Hom(domain(e),A), φ Hom(codomain(e),A) with φe = φ. Then, the “description” of the title is, in a concrete category with enough free objects, and well-behaved in other ways: the HS’P-classes are exactly the classes of the form inj E, for just those E which have domain(e) free for each e E (with the meaning of Sand the nature of the maps in E depending on each other). This includes a version of Birkhoff’s Variety Theorem, but more to the present point, is interpreted easily in various specific settings from topology, algebra, and abstract analysis to provide quite concrete descriptions of HSP-like classes.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 18A32
Secondary: 06F15, 54D30
Received: 9 July 1984
Revised: 10 January 1985
Published: 1 November 1986
Anthony Wood Hager