Vol. 126, No. 1, 1987

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Quadratic forms over dyadic valued fields. I. The graded Witt ring

William B. Jacob

Vol. 126 (1987), No. 1, 21–79

This paper gives a detailed account of the arithmetic of quadratic forms over a field F of characteristic 0, carrying a 2-Henselian discrete valuation with residue field of characteristic 2. We give an analogue of Springer’s Theorem for the graded Witt ring of such a field, and describe new counterexamples to the amenability problem for multiquadratic extensions. The sequel to this paper will contain an axiomatic approach to the results contained herein, and will treat the Galois cohomology of such fields.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11E81
Secondary: 12J10, 13J15, 18F25, 19G12
Received: 23 April 1984
Revised: 2 October 1985
Published: 1 January 1987
William B. Jacob
University of California, Santa Barbara
United States