Vol. 126, No. 1, 1987

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Determining an analytic function from its distribution of values

Peter Waksman

Vol. 126 (1987), No. 1, 197–207

Let f(x) be a real analytic function defined on a (possibly infinite and possibly closed) interval (A,B). The frequency distribution of f is defined to be

ωf(y) = Lebesgue measure {x ∈ (A,B ) | f(x) ≤ y}.

In this paper we consider the problem of determining f given its distribution ωf. Since a trivial change of f of the form g(x) = f(a ± x) will have the same distribution, we ask: does ωf determine f up to such trivial changes? A partial answer is given by

Theorem. If f is real analytic with distinct and non-degenerate critical valves on a finite interval [A,B] and if the values of f at the endpoints are different from each other, and at least one is different from the value at any critical point on the interior of the interval, then f is determined uniquely (up to trivial changes) by its frequency distribution on this interval As a consequence we have:

Corollary. A real analytic function with distinct non-degenerate critical values is determined uniquely (up to trivial changes) by its frequency distribution on the interval between its minimum and maximum critical points.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 26E05
Received: 25 June 1985
Published: 1 January 1987
Peter Waksman