Vol. 126, No. 2, 1987

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Derivations on the line and flows along orbits

Charles James Keith Batty

Vol. 126 (1987), No. 2, 209–225

The closure of the derivation λD : Cc1() C0() defined by (λD)(f) = λf, where λ : is continuous, generates a C0-group on C0() (corresponding to a flow on ) if and only if 1∕λ is not locally integrable on either side of any zero of λ or at ±∞.

If S is a flow on a locally compact, Hausdorff, space X with fixed point set XS0, δS is the generator of the induced action on C0(X), λ : X XS0 is continuous, and bounded on sets of low frequency under S, and t λ(Stω)1 is not locally integrable on either side of any zero or at ±∞, then the flows along the orbits of S form a flow on X whose generator acts as λδS.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L55
Secondary: 28D10, 47D99
Received: 1 August 1985
Revised: 6 February 1986
Published: 1 February 1987
Charles James Keith Batty