Vol. 127, No. 1, 1987

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The canonical bundle and realizable CR hypersurfaces

Howard Jacobowitz

Vol. 127 (1987), No. 1, 91–101

The canonical bundle of a realizable CR hypersurface has closed sections. Examples are given of non-realizable hypersurfaces with closed sections and others without such sections. If however an abstract CR hypersurface of dimension 2m + 1 has m strongly independent CR functions then a closed section can be used to produce the missing function and so assures that the hypersurface is realizable. The existence of a closed section is equivalent to a condition on the range of b acting on functions. Some non-realizable CR hypersurfaces are shown to have b-cohomology groups quite different from those of realizable hypersurfaces.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 32F25
Secondary: 32F20
Received: 26 September 1985
Published: 1 March 1987
Howard Jacobowitz