Vol. 127, No. 2, 1987

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Real closures of fields at orderings of higher level

Ronald P. Brown

Vol. 127 (1987), No. 2, 261–279

Natural maps are defined here which allow many questions about E. Becker’s “orderings of higher level” to be reduced to questions about the value groups of the real-valued places they induce. A simple construction is given of the set of orderings of higher level which induce a given real-valued place (this set is bijective with the set of subgroups of the value group of the place whose factor groups are cyclic of 2-power order). This construction leads to straightforward valuation-theoretic characterizations of real closed fields and of real closures of fields at orderings of higher level. The sets of isomorphism classes of real closures of a field which induce a given real-valued place, a given ordering of any level, or even a given family of orderings are each explicitly computed.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 12J15
Secondary: 12D15, 12J10
Received: 19 May 1981
Revised: 16 August 1985
Published: 1 April 1987
Ronald P. Brown