Set S in Rd has property Pk
if and only if S is a finite union of d-polytopes and for every finite set F in bdryS
there exist points c1,…,ck (depending on F) such that each point of F is
clearly visible via S from at least one ci,1 ≤ i ≤ k. The following results are
Let S ⊆ R3. If S satisfies property P2, then S is a union of two starshaped
Let S ⊆ Rd, d ≥ 3. If S is a compact union of k starshaped sets, then
there exists a sequence {Sj} converging to S (relative to the Hausdorff
metric) such that each set Sj satisfies property Pk.
When d = 3 and k = 2, the converse of (2) above holds as well, yielding
a characterization theorem for compact unions of two starshaped sets in