Vol. 128, No. 1, 1987

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Jónsson ω0-generated algebraic field extensions

Robert William Gilmer, Jr. and William James Heinzer

Vol. 128 (1987), No. 1, 81–116

A field K algebraic over its subfield F is said to be a J-extension (for Jónsson ω0-generated extension) of F if K∕F is not finitely generated, but E∕F is finitely generated for each proper intermediate field E. We seek to determine the structure of a given J-extension and to determine the class of fields that admit a J-extension. Consideration of Galois J-extensions plays a special role in each of these problems. In §2, we show that a Galois extension K∕F is a J-extension if and only if Gal(K∕F) lim
←Z∕pnZ for some prime p. In §3, we show that F admits a J-extension if the algebraic closure of F is infinite over F—that is, F is neither algebraically closed nor real closed.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 12F05
Received: 6 November 1985
Published: 1 May 1987
Robert William Gilmer, Jr.
William James Heinzer