Vol. 128, No. 1, 1987

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Some characterizations of analytic metric spaces

Sophocles Mercourakis

Vol. 128 (1987), No. 1, 149–156

For a topological space X, let C1(X) denote the Banach space of all bounded functions f : X R such that for every 𝜖 > 0 the set {x X : |f(x)|≥ 𝜖} is closed and discrete in X, endowed with the supremum norm. Using spaces of this form we give a direct proof (Corollary 1.5) of a result of Dashiell and Lindenstrauss on strict convexity of Banach spaces. Subsequently we obtain two types of characterizations of analytic metric spaces. The first (Theorem 2.3) is topological and is based on the set theoretic ordering of the compact subsets of X; this is related to some results of Christensen and Talagrand. The second (Theorem 3.1) is functional analytic and is based on the existence of bounded linear operators between the spaces of the form C1(X).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54C30
Secondary: 46B99, 46E10
Received: 25 April 1985
Revised: 31 July 1986
Published: 1 May 1987
Sophocles Mercourakis